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  • Melbourne High School Year 10 Entry

MHS successful candidate ye dr mordini is a really good guy,hope that hes my principal, mhs is huge and the places u least expdct something is where something would be,for example when u walk right in theres memorial hall, and the kids there seem to asian and indian and the asians(referring korean japanese chinese taiwant etc) are good,but some are weird like i went to the toilet and there was a horizontally challeneged gay emo asian kid just outside

    the lockers are tiny,like tiny

    mhsbandar it was good,but i got intimdated by like the 500 kids that came

    i_need_mental_asylum bro im not even lying i also saw macrob girls at the trainstation as i took the train.(for me, any uniform such as mhs mghs or mgs sends shivers down me.