- State: VIC
- Uploaded By: zsteve
Hey everyone,
I'm publishing my final exam notes for VCE Physics. I wrote these up pretty much as a revision exercise for the exam, I never used it for practice exams and I pretty much didn't need it in the exam as a result (which is a good thing).
I highly recommend you<strong> write your own notes sheet,</strong> for the sake of the learning and revision that comes through the process of writing it up. Anyway, here's mine for reference (e.g. suggestions towards what to put on, and probably quite a few tips and tricks on it as well).
While I obviously tried to make my notes sheet as reliable as possible, I concede that there are possibly typos in some of the formulae (I think I found one just before the exam 😛 but I wasn't expecting to have to use it anyway) so do use at your own risk. That said, however, 99% of what is on this sheet is correct.