I can't speak for all folio subjects, but the reality is that no folio subject is easy. People often assume that subjects like art, media, design, etc. just involve a little bit of painting, drawing, and filming, but there is actually so much more to it. There is theory, analysis, crazy exams, and plenty of stress within the mix. Compared to all the subjects I'm taking (english, further, bio, and chem), vis comm was one of my most mentally draining subjects (accelerated it last year), and studio arts (just did units 1 and 2) was also super challenging. To do well in folio subjects, you have to put blood, sweat and tears into it. It takes a lot of brainpower, and the exams are also really challenging (i.e. vis comm involves 90 marks in 90 minutes, including analysis, technical drawing, a mini design project, etc.). I'm in no way saying you shouldn't do a folio subject, because I absolutely loved doing vis comm and studio arts. It can be super rewarding. However, just keep in mind that which ever folio subject you pick, it will be challenging and there is no such thing as an "easy" folio subject.