I need to finalise my subjects for next year and have no clue what to do...
This year I'm doing Chem 1/2, Methods 1/2, Spec 1/2, Physics 1/2, Eng lang 1/2 and Indo 3/4
I'm rlly enjoying indo and would love to do it with UMEP but idk if I'll use it in the future as I'm considering an engineering pathway and feel like physics or spec might help more
Spec is a good class because it's small and I like learning new math concepts but I feel like the workload is a lot and can't really be bothered with it next year but I'm not sure if this will stop me from doing things at uni in the future
UMEP Physics sound interesting and I'd love to do it but I'm not sure if I'll get in considering I have an 86% average and I need an A average to get in
Any advice would be greatly appreciated especially if u have done any of these subjects