Hello people!
I'm still in denial that next year, I'll be going into year 11 and VCE (yikes). So, why not reflect back on the past? I just wanted to talk about my year 9 experience last year, having been here at Nossal for 2 years. If someone had asked me why I would want to stay here, sure the reputation and privilege of being in a selective school is great and all, but it's definitely the community here! Everyone around here legitimately wants to see you succeed, and it's great to be around like minded people who actually care about grades (usually).
I remember getting those letters from year 10s, giving you advice about the coming year. Your seniors are really helpful, and want to tell you things they wish they knew. But really, your experience is not the exact same as theirs, so the best thing you can do to prepare is to know year 9 is not your break it or make it. You won't be expelled for bad scores, and you won't really have to worry about getting in the middle of a fist fight every other day.
What I wish I did in year 9 was participate in more clubs. You have a lot of time in year 9 and 10, and it helps to start learning how to manage your time. Try to move out of your comfort zone! (cliche, i know)
Your subjects aren't extremely hard- if you got through the selective exam, you're academically ready for Nossal year 9 (which is all of you!). They say that the school is a "adult-learning environment"- it is your responsibility to stay in close contact with friends and teachers about any questions and worries you have about school work (it isn't worth trying to keep all your problems to yourself, and letting them become bigger than they actually are).
If anyone has questions about Nossal, or want to add on their experience, feel free to add them below. And to end, here's a quote:
"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives. – Lemony Snicket.