today I did the AOS2 unit 3 biology SAC, it was horrible!! I think I'm gonna get like a 50%
So when my teacher handout the sac papers, we had 50 minutes to complete it and there were like 4-5 pages, worth total of 41 marks. I started off alright, with the first two pages, but then it felt like time just went by quickly. We had like 10 minutes left, and I still had like 2 pages to go! I panicked and tried scribbling in the answers in very very short sentences as much as I could (which I think didn't even make sense) and then I kinda left the last question because time was up. As you can see, my time management skills are just so inferior that I didn't even get enough time to answer the last questions confidently. This happened in the last bio sac as well. Does anyone have any useful tips and advice?