It depends on the subjects you want to take and when you want to take them. Some people who double accelerate take Bio and Methods, with the opinion that they can “knock out the difficult/ heavier subjects first” or have more time to dedicate to them, typically the latter (particularly Bio, which is more notorious for being content-heavy).
Not sure about philosophy, but it sounds manageable, with one caveat: do NOT forget your U1/2 subjects when you’re in Year 11. You will need the foundations for Year 12, so remember to balance your accelerated subjects with your normal ones.
Please take my advice with a grain of salt; I’m not updated. I did VCE almost 10 years ago now, having accelerated Psych, General Maths and Chinese SL in Year 10, but ditched Chinese, continued Psych U3/4 in Year 11 and continued Further in Year 12 (not a common situation).