Hi Ash444! I'm assuming you're asking about TEEL in English, so please ignore this if that's not the case 🙂
TEEL is the acronym used to structure a body paragraph for text response essays. Most students from Years 9-12 will write 3 body paragraphs in one essay, plus an introduction at the start and a conclusion at the end. The question you asked about topic sentences including 3 points tells me you're a little confused about contentions vs topic sentences. To clarify, a contention is the overall argument of your whole essay (ie your 1-sentence answer to the essay prompt) , while the topic sentence is the idea of each individual body paragraph.
The TEEL structure stands for: Topic sentence, Evidence, Explain, Link. Evidence is where you provide evidence (quotes, stage directions, CAMELS, etc), and the Explanation is your analysis of the provided evidence. How many repetitions is required depends on your year level, but we generally expect at least 3 in Year 12. In terms of the number of quotes and the length of quotes - it's not really about the quantity, it's all about the quality! Do not use a whole sentence for a quote, and try to paraphrase them within your sentence so that your voice shines through.
We've just finished up a video series all about TEEL here if you'd like a more in-depth explanation, and we are currently working on some blog posts with examples of what (not) to do here 🙂