JMSSaspirant cshar true but I remember it clearly saying, will come out in Late July. Who tf knows tbh it’s probably gonna come on the 28 August
cshar JMSSaspirant idk, when I told her about how it said late July, she boldly denied it and said that I was wrong and that the offers for interview will come around mid august
JMSSaspirant cshar bro yk those random as employees that secretly actually work as teachers, I feel like a random as teacher picked your phone up instead of an actual staff member, and she kept talking smack💀💀💀💀
grr cshar maybe someone from the reception picked up, so they're not actually involved in the entry process, hence you were told wrong information
JMSSaspirant Sciencenerd fr like I’m so confused whether they come in late July or mid august. Honestly now it’s just a lowkey hit or miss cuz look, it could either be tomorrow or like the 21 August
JMSSaspirant Sciencenerd finding the working out we did for each question on math to check if it’s right? And we can “GEt BoNuS MArKs”💀💀💀💀💀
JMSSaspirant “IF yOu DOn’T SHow YouR WorkING OUt yOu WoN’T GeT THe QUesTiOn RigHT” lookin ahh🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💀💀💀💀🔥