.. We have thought spewed our lines of foul tongue so that others of low stature may resonate in solemness.
eee also rq, if anyone here is in yr 10 or has been through the interview process, do you have any tips? I know the different tasks we have to do and roughly some of the questions they ask but I'm not really sure how to really 'stand out'.
we_r_gonna_nailthis! cshar I really really really really really hope so. I am litterally praying so hard i really really really really really really really really hope like really really hope thats whats happening
.. we_r_gonna_nailthis! Sorry to say this but that's probably not the case because I got mine today and mine ones on 15th of august.
Sciencenerd I didn't get an interview today. Hopefully will get one tomorrow or later. Best of luck to those who got one
StarOfTheWorld My dad called the jmss school yesterday and the lady who picked up the call mentioned that there is possibly a round 2 offer. Don't loose hope yet!
YOMAMA StarOfTheWorld wait did she mean rnd 2 offers for interviews or like theres going to be a rnd 2 to get into skl