reet I'm doing year 10 entry 2025 into suzanne cory high school. Are there any useful resources that I can use to help me study?
Cr7fan I have used this for NR, as it has a lot of tough number pattern etc…
IDON'TGIVEUP Cr7fan is it possible to get into year 10 selective school if I start now please I did the test in year 8 and did not make it in and gave up but I had a sudden change and I wanted to get in so any tips or ideas how the test will be different from last year will it be acer or edu and any other help PLEASE HELP ME.
Cr7fan reet well it is important as along with ur results in the exam, they do look at ur written report. So make sure to give it importance and include all ur extracurriculars, and achievements, and some of ur good qualities etc..