Hey guys!! I'm doing the entrance exam for year ten 2025 JMSS soon and I really need help!! I did the selective school exam last year and I got one superior (for numerical reasoning) without studying or revision. I'm wondering if I should just wing the JMSS nr section and just focus on other subjects. I honestly have no idea what is going to be on the test, so could anyone just give a detailed description of each test? I also need help with how to study. I'm pretty busy everyday because of extra curricular activities and homework so I struggle to find times where I can study for JMSS. I am also related to people who currently attend the school, so is that going to give me any sort of advantage? Right now, I'm not stressing about the interview, just the test itself. I am also pretty decent at maths in school, but judging from my SEHS results last year, I'm not good at time-restricted maths. Any help would be great, thanks 😃