While I can't speak to how your SAC scores will impact your overall study score, I suggest the following for your struggle to write under time pressure:
- in what ways are you struggling? Is it the stress making you blank out? Is it that you can't physically write fast enough? Is it that the prompts are not what you expect them to be?
- once you've determined what it is that you're struggling with, then you can figure out some strategies to help you manage it. Eg, if it's the stress of the situation that's hard, then you'll need to do lots of practice writing under similar conditions, or if it's you physically can't write fast enough, then you'll need to do lots of handwriting practice to strengthen those muscles, etc.
I hope that was helpful! Try not to stress about your previous SAC marks - what's done is done. Try and focus on what's ahead and prepare for that accordingly 🙂