yeah me too, i could've done better in all things, even the things i got sup in, like in my opinion my writing was average on the day, but i still got a sup, maybe my standards are higher for eng, kinda like how mauryan and a few others have maths as their strong suit, reading was extremely easy for me, verbal was also rlly easy apart from when i didn't know a word which was like 4-5 words, then i must;ve gotten like another 5 wrong somewhere, I'm guessing I got around 48 -50 marks out of 60, reading most likely 30+/35, most likely around 31, maths, maybe like 24-25/35, nr, like 28/45i stuffed up badly, writing if it was out of 10 then probs like 9/10 but idk. Overall, i had shitty marks and could've done better, but at least my end carried and i got decently in maths but not nr, so yea, eng carried, maths shite