asttroo I think it all depends on your school. depending on the cohort (for my school at least) the pass marks were altered, and I do know one of my friends who got 32% on the first sac still passed, and he got a 38% on the exam when the average was 40, so he passed that as well. something to keep in mind is that you can always repeat the subject, either at 1/2 or 3/4 level. if you have no idea what's going on in the course then id consider resitting 1/2 as methods is built on prior topics. however, if you just didn't do well on the sacs / exams and feel you've done well in other areas, then I'd suggest trying 3/4 if you think you know and understand the content well. overall though, it's up to you and your school. hope this helped even a tiny bit!