Term 3, Week 8
Sorry for the late updates haha. Just been really busy.
In all honesty, last week was not productive, I hated it. Every second of it. But I'm hoping this week will be much more productive. And I wish the clouds weren't so grey. Its kinda annoying. I think I was just extra mad at myself for not understanding physics and I'm afraid that I'll fail the external and get a bad ATAR and like never ever understand physics. If special relativity was a person, I'd absolutely ignore them.
Anyways, I'm grasping more organic concepts in Chemistry and methods is alright, just drilling in practice questions and stuff. Ancient History, we're just practicing questions, and nailing the usefulness section in reliability is lowkey difficult. Typing up a quotes list for English and little explanations for all of them. Just getting through flashcards and hoping it'll help me do well haha.
So, that's been that. Mental health wise, I feel like I'm much better off now, than I was this time last year.
Just listening to music helps me calm down and get stuff done which is really nice.
"I just think life's what you make it" - What you make it, With Confidence
Push on through,