For chem and bio, I create my notes through using flashcards or plain pieces of paper (printer paper) that I stick up on my walls. Then I use them for spaced repetition and active recall, as it helps me immerse myself in the content and ensure that I can both understand and explain the content. I also then do lots of practice questions, trying to expose myself to as many types of questions as possible. For further maths, I really just do practice questions to nail the concepts and formulas, as well as update my bound reference regularly (by hand). For english, I like to plan out essays and start collating any good quotes for the topic. My first essay tends to be a slower process, as I like to focus on really nailing the structure and ideas (along with obtaining feedback from my teacher). After that, I like to do them under timed conditions by hand. I also use quizlet to practice my quotes routinely.