Moskva Hello, I neglected this subject in semester 1 (unit 1) and managed to pass with a decent-ish score. What should I do to get a good score for unit 2? More importantly, what topics should I focus on to prepare for units 3/4? Thanks!
Joseph41 Moskva I reckon a good bet is to take a look at the metalanguage listed on the study design (see pages 9-10 for Units 1&2, and pages 17-18 for Units 3&4). IMO if you're across these terms, that will go a decent way to success. 🙂
beep_boop Moskva Metalanguage. Metalanguage. Metalanguage. This is very important, especially for units 3/4. I can guarantee that most of examiner's report mentions students most of the time don't know their metalanguage. All the metalanguage you need to know is in the study design. It also contains what you need to know for unit 2 as well.