Reposted from my response to someone who was asking me pretty much the same thing on Reddit:
I'll rank all my subjects FWIW
FM and chem go on my S tier. FM cuz it was easy and I had a chill class with heaps of banter. It was more than grades for me since my class taught me a bunch of life skills when we were chitchatting after we finished our work early. FM is also the most relevant maths to real life cuz I never had to integrate or derive anything after my methods exam 2.
Had a boring teacher in chem but I'm a Breaking Bad fan so I pushed through it. It's mostly intuitive and it's way less pedantic than bio. It overlaps heavily with bio so if you accelerate bio and then do chem the next year you'd have a massive advantage (not so much when they change the study design since they're removing a lot of the food chem stuff from U4 in the new one)
The mixed list are methods and bio.
Methods was great during the year, had an awesome teacher but always expect the unexpected from VCAA. I bombed exam 1 and did ok on exam 2 (2018). My teacher said VCAA is trying to make exam 1 more difficult than ever and they're making exam 2 more convoluted (but not necessarily difficult) than ever
While I like the content in bio, it is marked super pedantically and nothing pains more than knowing the answer but still having marks stolen from you just cuz you didn't kiss up to the Victorian Child Abuse Association by copying their stock responses. It really gaslights you, making you doubt your true capabilities. Honestly this sets you up for failure in uni bio cuz if you copy model answers for a uni bio exam, you can actually get a 0 for plagiarism
My wall of shame were English (duh) and French.
I hated writing essays but rip compulsory top 4 English so I grinded them so much. Half of the things I wrote were superfluous fluff that the VCAA examiners somehow loved, I mean, when someone wrote "the curtain is blue", they probably meant just that. Not "tHe CuRtAiN iS bLuE tO sIgNaL sAdNeSs AnD iT sYmBoLiSeS yada yada yada" or whatever VCAA examiners wanted us to write while tripping on acid. That being said I loved my teacher who wasn't afraid of pointing out the bullshit in VCE English.
I hated French because I had a really abusive teacher, some details of what happened aren't suitable for this sub. But the subject itself isn't bad at all, it was pretty chill for me were I not dealing with the "teacher" I had and I only fell 2 study scores short of my initial goal. Moral of the story: your experience in LOTE is HEAVILY dependent on your teacher