Hey Jakstar2468,
I find it really difficult with stress as well, and there's no sudden solution(at least that I've found).
What I have found though, is that you can slowly reduce the stress.
I found exercise to rly help me, but you need to find YOUR type of exercise. Last year I was really stressed about my exams, so I went running with my mates, but it never helped. This year I just go to the gym for an hour every second day or so, and it really really helps. This also helps me bring me to my next point. To have good mental health, you must have good physical health. Eat correctly, get 9-10 hours sleep everyday and take breaks from studying.
However, it is true that the more ontop of your work you are, the less stressed you will be. What I suggest, is take small breaks. Do not have a 3 hour break, rather have 3 1 hour breaks during the day. Also, try to do efficient study rather than inefficient study. By this I mean work on your weaknesses, not the areas you are already confident on. If you're finding it difficult to begin studying tho, I suggest just tackling anything, doesn't matter if it isn't the biggest priority. Just beginning studying is the most important part, as the hardest part of studying is the first 10 minutes.
One other thing I like to try is perspective. There are many lenses which you can look at situations with. You can manipulate your world view to make your happier. One example of this, is looking at athletes. Most olympic athletes claim they are never nervous; rather they are excited. Rather than being scared of exams, try to be excited. This will not only help you be encouraged to study more but also to have a happier mental health.
One of my other techniques to relax is to just play piano, but that might not apply to you. I find relaxing with things like video games - as much as i love them - only makes me more stressed, as I get worked up about them.
I hope this was helpful, and I wish you all the best. Make sure you look out for your in real life friends, as relying on each other can really help pull people through the final stretch.