sirifr hi i'm preparing for jmss. can i pls get some help and resources for the test? and is the numerical reasoning harder than the selective one? what topics do we need to know for science reasoning? also i need help with the both writing parts of the exam. if anyone can they send me resources for jmss, my user is schoolisok9000#4787 thankyou
twi someone Hey I'm preparing for jmss this year as well, and from all i've heard the math component is basic year 9 and 10 maths. Not as bad as selective. 1000 sit the exam and 500 get an interview so to get a interview you should get at least 1 superior, but it is possible to get an interview with no superiors but then you would need very high in all the categories. Hope this helps otherwise you can also drop your discord and ill add you to the server where we have some current jmss students and they can possibly help you with any questions you have.
Bria twi Hey I'm preparing for the Year 11 entry exam for this year. I was hoping to get some advice and resources. My discord is Brinda #6544. Thank you : )
matein16 twi Hi twi, Im preparing for jmss as well this year to get in for year 11 and 12. Do you know what topics the science and English part of the test cover? if you can or anyone else help me out that would be great. my discord is fishiefishy#7474
aved Hey guys could i join this server I did the test for yr ten last year and could provide some help thank youu here is my user : omsai#9396
Christy aved kirat Bria Nate bbb nuclei Hey guys. I've added all of you. My tag is Chris_Try#4590 so add me back so that I can add you into the server (if someone hasn't already).
bbb Kyroh Hi this is my discord : _b#3569 It would be amazing to get some extra help, what helped you get all superiors. Also how was the writing, and how should I prepare for that?
Shiv nuclei hey neclei, do you think you could give me resources for JMSS year 10 entry 2026, I really need help.
Pathaan twi Christy Hello, Would I be able to be added to the server? My discord is: Smarties#3552 Thanks
twi matein16 hey sorry atar notes was a bit buggy couldnt get to you, if you would like ill just add you to the study server as im applying for the year 10 exam and dont know much about the 11 entry. But you can certainly ask ur questions on the server as we have ppl who go to jmss currently too.
twi matein16 hi again, i put in your discord but it doesnt seem to be working can you check and give it too me again, thanks.
matein16 twi Hey twi, i think the username is cap sensitive so could you try adding this username instead? : FISHIEFISHY#7474
Jay Hi!I'm a jmss year 11 entrant. My discord is Mouse#7154 if you want to ask me anything specifically about year 11 entry! But I can also provide info for year 10 entry! If you send me a friend req, just reply to the thread with ur user so I know it's not a random person lol
Jay also, i asked the interviewer about this last year, here are the rough numbers that yall might be interested in. Year 10 entry: 1000 apply, 600 interviewed, 200 offered Year 11 entry: 200-300 applied, 80 interviewed, 20-30 offered (give or take 10)
np0709 Hi, I'll be sitting for the Year 11 entry exam for 2024. I'm currently a little overwhelmed with the time constraint when attempting practice tests (particularly in the Maths and Numerical Reasoning tests) and would greatly appreciate to get some tips regarding how the actual exam will be. I was also wondering whether the exam would be comparatively more difficult than the practice tests provided on websites such as Brainworks and Strive for Excellence? Thank you so much.