Rohan16 MMHS I used to go to James An and we used to do 35 for maths and reading, 50 for quantitative and 60 for verbal
Melona ⭐ Just a quick question, for creative writing, does there need to be a climax/conflict? Just making sure since I've heard lots of different things
TryingforSCHS Jamie ye climax is key. just follow the basic creative story arch (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution) and you should be fine in terms of structure
Jamie TryingforSCHS dang, my friend jus wrote a story on how the different stars could mean different things to different people and got in. no climax, just talk.
MMHS does anyone prefer persuasive over creative, i do, I hate creative for some reason, I'm not a very creative person, but i come up with good ideas in persuasive so
Rohan16 MMHS I prefer persuasive because I do not really enjoy writing narratives. I do not have good ideas. But we just have to give our best...
Tas MMHS i prefer persuasive, although i think narratives are much more fun if you don't have a time limit
anisha Rohan16 here are some strategies for vr and rc i follow: VR- Biggest tip is to actually read the question super carefully. Sometimes there are two types of question which were written the same way (for example synonym/antonym questions) which is super confusing and similar to one another. RC - Again, read each question carefully, and dont skim through the text. Also read the text first, dont go straight to the questions.
TryingforSCHS anisha nah reading the questions first is the best thing to do otherwise u might run out of time and lose out on easy marks.