do you think more students are taking the exam or less compared to previous years? Is there 2000, 3000, or 5000? Just a rough estimate.

guys what does principal discretion mean? And how to get it?

  • MMHS replied to this.

    bro im not gonna lie but skipping school is too far. Like they wont let you in just cuz you end up skippign your required education, to get into the school

    @IDON'TGIVEUP Dont skip school. Eg.if you get a principals discretion interview the last thing you wanna say is i skipped one month of school to study.

    PD is extremely competitive as about 150-200 students apply and only 15 get in

    Anyone know how many questions for reading comp?

    Hi! I am sitting for year9, Victoria entry in June, this year. Does anyone know if we are allowed to use erasable pens or pencils in writings and other four tests?

    Ok, Thanks!
    But what if you shaded the wrong answer and need to correct it?
    Also, do you have any tips on how do I improve my Vocab for the Verbal reasoning area, given that less than a month is left now.

      i would think that it wouldve been prudent of you too think about building your vocab at least 3 months prior, anyways there isn't much time now so maybe do online tests: If you can tell the odd one out in this series: Eccentric, flamboyant, unconventional, which of the following couldn't go with the words: Ostentatious, Outlandish, Discerning, Conspicuous, Saliant. If you are able to distinguish the words then you should be good, but then again this is only 1 example. If you also need help on maths then don't spend the whole time practicing vocab as many often are to irrational and don't ultimately know the best strategies in acquiring an expansive vocab.

      Alright, Thanks a lot!

      19 days later

      Hey NSN,
      Just wanted to ask, what types of probability questions were there? And was the NR test difficult compared to James Ann Tests (seeing you did the TT8 James Ann course)?

      Please reply ASAP (the test is in 8 days!)

        i reckon these are my score predictions for the test {everyone start a chain}
        3 sups and 2 ha
        3 sups for vr reading and writing
        2 ha for nr and maths
        also name ur preferences
        1st is nossal
        2nd is melb high
        3rd is suzanne cory

        2 sups and 2aa and 1ha
        2 sups in rc and vr
        2 above average in math and writing
        1 Higher Average in NR

        1st Nossal
        2nd MHS
        didn't put suzanne

        2 sup, 1 aa and 2 ha
        2 sups for rc and vr
        2 ha for nr and maths
        1 aa for writing

        still only Macrob (decided not to add more)

        • I think i have a higher chance overall because i also applied for the equity considerations, and i might be able to do principals discretion too...