:): AverageMultiChoiceTest ikr.. Time just flies, next time we would be talking, we'll realise we have already given the test. lol Good luck to everyone! Hope we get innnnnn!!
Ronaldo anisha https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19Vjb9a1IplPRC1EAf8kDuVEYBR7DNOmd?usp=drive_link
mhs-grinder if it is okay, could u also send me the hendersons, i need it for practice pls. TryingForMHS
MMHS mhs-grinder here this is the one @TryingForMHS was talking about:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sbwWukiR8pczBvzkgFa_28TyBo8yP2nN/view
Miio MMHS do u have the answers to the test? about:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sbwWukiR8pczBvzkgFa_28TyBo8yP2nN/view
TryingForMHS I dont think those tests are at the difficulty of the test?? It looks like year 5 stuff?
mhs-grinder either way thx if i find it diffiuclt or easy, based on that ill ask but for now thx to both