Ronaldo Sejal it’s a drill reference and me and mhs made a joke abt it so there is gangin nyc and we’re just joking around what we r repping
changi MMHS BRO they ddint explain well and they just take like 900 bucks for not explianing questions
silver changi they really just spam you with practice tests. JAC is good if you want to practice time management and can learn mostly by yourself, but with a little guidance. They don't really review or examine concepts in depth as well.
Average Guy MauryanBroski No its not bro only 80 people are trying. Chill Moz you will make it. You one of the smarter lot along with David Mikail and stuff
Average Guy MauryanBroski Will that be enough moz. Do you think Mikail, nick, johan and david can also do it??
changi has anyone done last year selective test and if anyone has were there alot of patterns in nr and maths
MauryanBroski changi im doing it this yr but friends from last yr said the nr was filled with confusing patterns
anisha changi apparently there were no worded problems in nr last year like there are in tuition papers, every question was about number or shape patterns my friend told me