Average Guy MauryanBroski Will that be enough moz. Do you think Mikail, nick, johan and david can also do it??
changi has anyone done last year selective test and if anyone has were there alot of patterns in nr and maths
MauryanBroski changi im doing it this yr but friends from last yr said the nr was filled with confusing patterns
anisha changi apparently there were no worded problems in nr last year like there are in tuition papers, every question was about number or shape patterns my friend told me
MMHS AaronForSelective sim 1 2 and 3 for me were 80,80 and 74 for verbal only, the highest for verbal on sim 2 was 90
AaronForSelective try this one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10-eIS_ER-t1cRNqZobe1h7D9DHXzOD5x/view
Ronaldo AaronForSelective I’ve already done this surprisingly and it’s ez for example the order of the first 4 answers are A E A A The amount I got right was 53/60 so not to bad
Sejal > I tried loads from Henderson, worst are 22 wrong for VR, 20 wrong for Maths, 18 wrong for RC, and 17 wrong for NR.