I'm going to assume you making subject selections for VCE and not electives in yr 10 because if you worrying about electives I would recommend just choosing subjects you enjoy. I am a yr 10 right now that is choosing VCE subjects and I've gotten a lot of advice from people who scored really well in VCE and these are the main points.
Most people say to do "subjects that you love" and an element of this is true however you also want to do well in VCE and doing 4 humanities subjects alongside drama isn't going to do you much good. Even though I've been told spesh maths is a drag and many stories about people dropping it, I will still most likely choose it just because I enjoy maths in general and wouldn't mind working hard to do well in spesh. So if you enjoy maths take spesh as it will scale up insanely even if you do average at it. Most subjects such as drama and the ADT sorta world scale down a lot and if you want to do well in VCE they aren't recommended. A rule of thumb is probably to pick subjects you know scale well and that you enjoy so working hard in them isn't such a drag. Other than that VCE is just about working hard. Personally, I will most likely be choosing English, Spesh maths, Methods, Physics, Chem, and for yr 11 3/4 Physical Education as Suzanne only allows 1 3/4 in yr 11 unless you get A+ in 90% of your assessments which is nearly impossible.