Hi, I'm a year 10 student in VCE. I recently got into Suzanne Cory High School for year 11 (yay!) but that left me with a problem. At Suzanne Cory you can't take more than 2 maths, my original plan was to take general maths in addition to methods and specialist, but that would no long be possible. I want to go into medicine and I am currently taking units 1/2 Biology which I really enjoy. Next year my plan for my subjects are:
- 1/2 English Language
- 3/4 Biology
- 1/2 Chemistry
- 1/2 Specialist
- 1/2 Methods
and one more...
I would like to know what subjects other people have chosen who are taking similar subjects to me. I'm considering IT as I am very good with computers, both hardware and software. Please help me choose my 6th subject, and thanks in advance to everyone.