[deleted] MMHS I got as people grow older they lose their indivduality. Moreover, what did everyone get for the bird poem question: "What is the main purpose of this poem?" I got like lessons humans can learn from animals. Now that I think abt it I think I have dyslexia
MMHS [deleted] i put both of those too, though i think they are both right? I cant recall the other options
mizi Miio i feel confident but i also dont feel so confident haha. i think i did well since i had a lot of remainding free time, but it did feel weird knowing i prepared for much harder topics 😭
mizi tbh the writing part was bland but easy. i think the prompts were open to many interpretations (especially the creative one; i did mine about a vague "zombie apocalypse" and while not a cliffhanger, i might have killed my only character..
Danny Persuasive was about If you should still chose to go to cinemas or not and narrative was about a girl in a dark seated area
mizi Danny not exactly on the first, tbh i assume its around the school holidays this term or exactly a month after the actual examination (which would both be in july)
mizi [deleted] i would say as long as your results are mostly superiors and high averages, but 1/2 above average depending on the superiors u have can still mean a chance in getting in! (as someone with a sibing that goes to mhs)
MMHS Ronaldo nah you can get an average, genrally macrob is harder to get into (less spots) and some people get in with avg
Ronaldo [deleted] ye but if ur school is smart like smart smart then minimum for everyone is 4 and thats guaranteed entry, not all the time tho
[deleted] mizi i dunno because my school's really competitive and when I mean competitive I mean competitive😭