jelly GUYS THE EXAM IS IN LIKE A DAY RAHHHHAHHHH I'm trying some ways to study but I always procrastinate or get distracted if ANYONE knows any tips on studying for the big day PLEASE tell me
jelly also any tips on studying for numerical reasoning + math or just starting an intro for persuasive text? tyyyyy
MMHS jelly i dont have any tips bc there is one day left, tomorrow don't cram everything in as it will be a brain overload, maybe for the latter half of the day you should relax or do something else, what I'm doing anyways
MMHS jelly not really bc it isnt good to cram too much in the night before to keep the mind relaxed, so in a way you have a good reason now.
MMHS jelly oh nice, what do you average for each of the tests? Percents and where you average compared to other students, like james an it shows the percent and if that's a sup, aa or ha things like that