MMHS do you guys remember the numerical question with the girl who was selling holloween candies, it was a i just substituted values bc i couldn't be bothered doing it methodically
Ronaldo MMHS ye same also I was a bit confused with the question that’s like if the radius was 256 what’s the diameter of its 2 times faster or smth like that
MMHS selectiveschoolexamcandidate i cant remember now, but i think i only got urban and i couldn't figure out graceful
Melona ⭐ selectiveschoolexamcandidate I got graceful but wasn't there an E in the urban one? Like something R U B A E N is what I remember
MMHS selectiveschoolexamcandidate i wrote about convenience and cost because of the prevalence of cost of living issues in society
Tas MMHS i did cost, convenience and better options and for narrative i wrote about a person who thought they were late for the movies but end up being 3 hours early.
Miio Tas I did cost and quality for persuasive. The creative prompt was actually very simple I liked it. Btw is there are lot of competition from ur school.
Ronaldo Tas I did same as u for persuasive and for narrative I did smth about he woman being posses and then never leaving the movie theatre
selectiveschoolexamcandidate Anyone remember the chocolate imports and exports from other countries graph
[deleted] selectiveschoolexamcandidate for the one where it's like "which of these cannot be determined from the graph" which is it