Okay so last night was our open day which meant I got to volunteer to help be part of my schools hospitality and food studies display (yay!) but the coffee machine broke (not so yay) so I only helped with food studies which meant very slowly making food which some of the groups got to sample. It was fun but it ran overtime but I'm glad I did it.
Today was athletics day, I dressed up in like a proper costume (it's my last year so why not) and I did 3 whole sports (a true athlete lol) in which I did poorly in two and alright in one. Plus I was volunteering the whole day so I got to give out ribbons, run messages to the announcer, figure out who placed in each field event and helped organise some of the reccords which was a lot of fun and I felt very official and important, plus I got some compliments on my outfit which made me so happy and yeah, just a cool day.
Had my CHES tutorial tonight and we've been assigned our groups for our group project and I frigging love my group, we all got along really well and had some pretty good discussions so I think it's going to go well.
Still waiting on my English results but that's about it, oh and I got invited to a pizza lunch at the school for 'good behaviour and attendance' so free food.
Hope everyone is going well and that the last week or so before holidays goes well for you and that afterwards you get the well-deserved rest and relaxation!