i thought i would make a post like this in case there were kids out there just like me who wanted to see how sac scores and study scores correlate. hopefully this helps someone. I went to a mid to bad school, median study score is 29
sac 1: 76
sac 2: 73
sac 3: 92
sac 4: 83
poster: 86
rank: 13/40
B A+ B+
35 (36)
sac 1: 93
sac 2: 86
sac 3: 38
sac 4: 87
poster: never got a score
rank: 14/19
B B C+
28 (32)
sac 1: 80
sac 2: 70
sac 3: 80
sac 4: 65
sac 5: 80
rank: 40/150
A B+ B+
34 (32)
general maths
sac 1: 87
sac 2: 75
sac 3: 85
sac 4: 83
rank: 10/90
A A+ A+
40 (38)
maths methods
sac 1: 78
sac 2: 92
sac 3: 80
rank: 7/29
33 (38)
specialist maths
sac 1: 59
sac 2: 48
sac 3: 70
rank: 3/6
22 (32)
atar: 88.20
i have asked for my statement of marks so ill add what exam marks i got later