JMSSaspirant Harshil chill out man, nobody cares bout Naplan anyway, plus u don't need Naplan results in the interview.
cshar JMSSaspirant One of my friends from prev years said they look for awards such as certificate of Achievement in naplan and stuff and yes they do put the results into consideration
YOMAMA JMSSaspirant ye bruh but u wud get ur results b4 the interview happens so they might check ur naplan results as well as ur reports in school b4 they invite u to their school
YOMAMA mnm it said tht the results will come 3-8 weeks frm the date of examination and we are on the 6th week it doesnt mean tht its gonna come this week (but it might),it culd be next week too
YOMAMA JMSSaspirant how can you be this sure of it its not as if they only sent you a email telling when its gonna come
YOMAMA JMSSaspirant it could change bruh- its not gonna be exactly 26th also last year they wrote the test on a diff day thn ours