JMSSaspirant a bunch of people also got the AMC invite from my school
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strawb3rryjam jeez bruh you don't have to be such a dickhead it was just a question, I didn't know
grr fair, then there's no point
lol i wasnt rlly stressing, it was just i was a little worried about round2 that's all and btw thanks..
so interviews r comming out friday?
you guys know when naplan results are coming out
Harshil bro i swear all you ask is when something will come out
Harshil chill out man, nobody cares bout Naplan anyway, plus u don't need Naplan results in the interview.
the interviewers might consider it to check how ur eng writing skills n shit
YOMAMA ngga no, i havent even gotten my naplan results
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YOMAMA #p37087 its not 3-8 week after the exam. last year it was 26th July
ye bruh but u wud get ur results b4 the interview happens
so they might check ur naplan results as well as ur reports in school b4 they invite u to their school
it could change bruh-
its not gonna be exactly 26th
also last year they wrote the test on a diff day thn ours
how can you be this sure of it
its not as if they only sent you a email telling when its gonna come
YOMAMA yeah all good
JMSSaspirant relax man ( not being rude)
Moonlight_31 all good