JMSSaspirant YOMAMA where the world did mr beast come from 💀 Honestly i'm just doing next periods work so I can get my stuff sorted and not be bored in class (play games 💀)
YOMAMA JMSSaspirant IF it did after school, my dads gonna call me and i would recive the devastating news
YOMAMA JMSSaspirant just told you not to ask me why- but this fridays a good day and i dont want to spoil it
JMSSaspirant since i usually come home during my family members are home, if they dont say anything and talk about theyre day, they wont come out but if they get all awkward then thats the day 💀
YOMAMA JMSSaspirant im the first one home and like my parents wont be home BUT if i get a call frm my mum or my dad just after school ends, then the day has arrived