grr the enrolment pack says - Each applicant will receive advice regarding the outcome of the application by 20th September 2024.
Only applicants who have successfully completed all parts of the formal Entry Assessment stipulated by the school can be offered a place at JMSS. The Assessment process gauges the applicant’s passion and aptitude for science, their capacity for logical and numerical reasoning, and their mathematical ability;
The Entry Assessment comprises of two stages: firstly, a series of written tests undertaken individually specific to JMSS, and a series of activities undertaken in a group and followed by an individual interview undertaken with each candidate; The results from both stages of the Entry Assessment are used to gauge each applicants suitability for entry into JMSS; Available places at JMSS in any year level will be allocated to students whose performance in the Entry Assessment clearly demonstrates they have an appropriate aptitude for science and the potential to make the most of the learning opportunities that JMSS offers;