Bit of a full circle moment seems this was my original post from a year ago lols but i was very appreciative when people helped me out so im happy to share some tips that helped me get a raw 47 in bio last year!
I would recommend trying to aim to have gone over each lessons content before the lesson. Whether you want to stay one lesson ahead or one week ahead is up to you🙂 Coming up to sac time I would always aim to do all the practice sacs I was given, plus anything else I could find, and id get it all marked by my teachers and would go over it in depth with them. As we all know the biology marking scheme is definately a pain, so to get advice from teachers and examiners who have a lot of experience makes answering future questions much easier, as they give you the mindset of an examiner.
For exam period i started by going over semester 1 content in the september holidays and once i was happy with that i started doing some of the company practice exams. I think i got like 55% on my first bio practice exam because I was very harsh on myself to ensure i was targetting every apsect of the marking guide. I think in the end i did around 20 bio practice exams, finishing off with the vcaa exams from 2016 onwards and going over them with my teachers. All the current study design ones i did timed and got them fully marked and very heavily went over them.
Im happy to answer any other questions you have, and i hope this helps a bit!