haps Hello!!! Im selling my notes for unit 3/4 which include around 40 pages all up consisting of the entire 3/4 content, including suggested answers and tips incorporated inot the specific topics. They also come with a few posters that can be helpful for different hhd topics!! DIGITAL PDF NOTES - $10 Please message me if you would be interested!! EDIT - please email healthhdnotes23@gmail.com Thankyou!!!
haps panda Hey it doesn't seem like I can private message you but if you are on vce discussion space, I made a recent post in the VCE Health and HD chat about selling my notes xx
haps studyhard_77 hey sorry for the late response but if you email healthhdnotes23@gmail.com i can sort out sellign you the notes xxx
haps panda hey! im so sorry for taking so long to get back to you but I made a new email (cause i dont really want to share my personal one on here) and if you email we can organize selling you the health notes! just email healthhdnotes23@gmail.com