KDC Hey guys! I am interested in doing JMSS and wondering if there are any science textbooks which could help me with science theory work? (Ik that ICAS science papers are popular but which year level's papers do I get?) Is it necessary to memorise the WHOLE periodic table for this exam?
jan09 KDC um for text books idrk probs just ur normal yr 9 science textbook but dont take my word for it but for the periodic table you dont need to memorise the whole table like probs just around the first 20 elements will help you and its also important to know like their ionic charges but like you dont need to memorise the whole table
Sachini KDC Soo much easier than i thought honestly, i went tution 6 hours of science week it ll felt so useless when doing the actual test but i got some much practice out of it so it was worth it. I got into jmss for 2025 and i think you should just really focus on the 2 essays because they arent even hard.
AverageAsianNerd jan09 https://dokumen.pub/qdownload/oxford-science-9-australian-curriculum-9780190300968.html Use this textbook, if you feel that you need to boost your scientific knowledge or if you need to fill some gaps in your knowledge. However, in my opinion just doing really well in your school's science class (like consistent A+ and As) and paying full attention to your science teacher's lectures should put you in a really strong position to perform well in the Science Reasoning Test.
cshar lask " On this day students will meet their mentors, be given a buddy, and get to know some of the other new students. Details about this day will be given at the course confirmation interview in November." from the orientation handbook
H1R if you were doing khan academy would take down notes in a book or just do it casually cause you need to remember alot of science any suggestions?
jan09 H1R i mean it depends on what works for you but it will be better for you to take notes in a book, so its easier for you to see those notes and it's also easier to revise them
ッUSAッ lask I am not exactly acquainted with the MacOS and it is allowed in the school I'm going to because I'm going to JMSS. Anyway, I got a Dell Inspiron 16 and its pretty good.