applejuice27 JMSSaspirant brother nobody really knows, plus, your predictions are probably inaccurate, but you're smart, so assume you can make it to the interview.
StarOfTheWorld Hello folks, anyone knows when is the result supposed to be out? Wikipedia says this year 5000 students appear in the exam. Is it true?
JMSSaspirant StarOfTheWorld half of the shit that Wikipedia spits out is dogshit there were around 1300
JMSSaspirant uzi I don’t even think they’re gonna accept any student in 2025 the way things are going
Jake65 reading all of this made me so nervous for the results 😢 , are we sure they are coming next week? and also did anyone here also sit the Nossal yr 10 entry and do you know when those results will be out, so nervous
cshar JMSSaspirant yep, if not they said call the school. I didnt tell them that i already did so that basically means next week or mid august