KIARAA password123 I LOVE LISTENING TO MUSIC WHILE STUDYING! But for me, it distracts me because I only wanna listen to music. However, when I don't listen to music I lose motivation😭. So I'm trying to get into the habit of doing work without music.
password123 OMG literally same!!!!!! So im also doing selective with my twin sister. So like I HAVE TO GET INTO MACROB. but i also need to find motivation so like r there like any podcasts of stuff idkk KIARAA
KIARAA password123 I dont listen to podcasts sorry😭 BUT IN A WAY I FIND THAT RELATABLE. I'm trying for year 10 because I missed the year 9 exam. What is motivating me the most is that my sister is trying for year 9 next year and if she does get in I won't really feel like an older sister because idk I feel like I have to be smarter to feel like one.😭Like to elaborate, I'd feel like a faliure
TryingforSCHS password123 Listening to music while studying is not a good thing to do. Studying without it will actually prepare you for the real test. Some people flunk the test just because they are used to listening to something.
KIARAA password123 I listen to songs that I could sing along to, like pop songs! (probably the reason I can't concentrate)
password123 KIARAA same honestly... a lot of people think my sister is smarter than me and its rlly annoying. So i think the thing thats kind of pushing me the most is that. So yea i would definately feel sooo dumb id i dont get in plus if i sister gets in.
IDON'TGIVEUP KIARAA is it possible to get into year 10 selective school if I start now please I did the test in year 8 and did not make it in and gave up but I had a sudden change and I wanted to get in so any tips or ideas how the test will be different from last year will it be acer or edu and any other help PLEASE HELP ME.
password123 shut up meera. Technically i smarter in some subjects ad shes smarter in others. So kindly kys
heeduo4life password123 which subjects are you "smarter" in.? dont you dare say P.E, that doesnt count
password123 humanities, art, and general common knowledge. Also yes i am WAYYY fitter than her for your opinion, but u already knew that.
heeduo4life password123 yeah i agree with the P.E one but, art is a skill not knowledge that you can be considered "smart" in. i will check with humanities