So I went to James An which is a good place for practice tests but its a bit overwhelming especially if you are only going to be there for two terms when the test will be around June. So I HIGHLY recommend paying attention to classes especially for maths as the content that was in the sehs was fairly year 8 standard. Revise what you learnt in class and ask for extensions. For Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning definitely expand your vocabulary by reading and reading articles when you can. If you don't know a word, search it up. I definitely recommend Its free and has a lot of study thingos you can do.
Also for RC expand your text reading like read autobiographies, non-fiction, articles, the news, and definitely read poems to get used to the language used because definitely in the test it will show at least one poem i assume.
If you want to learn ahead on what was in the maths sehs test borrow textbooks from City Libraries or just any library and focus on: Number, Algebra, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics and Probability.
Honestly for me my strong suit is maths so I aced Mathematics and Numerical Reasoning (superiors both), but I got below average in Reading Comprehension and average in Verbal Reasoning. For writing definitely do an introduction and aim for 2-3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. Use time wisely as I highly recommend revising your work. For creative writing, aim to have a complete story from beginning to end with no cliff hangers. Try and put a variety of figurative language in your narrative as that will boost your writing, but don't add too much that your writing is uncomfortable to read. The time that I got to write both the persuasive and narrative was 40 mins altogether (20 mins each).
Its best to start sooner than later so start reading anything from the news to a spectrum of books to get a feel of how to write better and such. Hoped that helped.