Hello, I achieved a raw score of 48 on chemistry last year. Hopefully this response can help you with answering your questions in a more precise manner.
- Answer in dot points
- Answer correctly, or don't answer at all
- Use arrow symbols and shortenings whenever possible.
- Use a graph within your answers
- Hinge your argument on equation or theory
*Answering in dot points helps you write faster and direct the examiners in a more precise manner. For a question, even if you are not writing in dot points. Aim for one dot points for every mark. Where one dot point answers the questions directly (Yes/No/Results) and the other dot points to explain your answers.
*Do not spam out answers and hoping to get one right, they will not aware marks for that
*Use arrows symbols and shortenings to write faster and think more
*Use graphs to explain concepts that requires a graph, like rate of change, maxwell Boltzmann, or when asked to describe a galvanic cell, draw it
*Use at least one equation or theory for every single question. These helps you by adding the keywords that are needed for some marking schemes.
If you have any other questions about chemistry, I offer tutoring service online for vce chemistry 3/4 and 1/2.
Email: justinwumelbourne@gmail.com