hi everyone im currently in year 11 completing english language 1/2, bio 1/2, chem 1/2, pe 1/2, italian 1/2 and methods 1/2. I
feel overwhelmed with my workload and consider dropping methods for general. does anyone know if the transition is easy or difficult? I have nearly finished my first term in year 11 and currently want to drop biology for year 12 (because of the teacher) and struggling with methods (also because of the teacher), the teachers teaching me these subjects confuse me and overcomplicate things. my school is good but these teachers just don't teach in a way I understand, I have the option to move to general at either the end of the semester or the end of the year, but if I drop methods after unit 1 I have to catch up on the topics for general for the end of year exam, which covers the whole years worth of content. I think it may be a good trade-off as I'm feeling anxious and pressured all the time by methods and already have a heavy workload from all my other subjects. I should note I have started an online tutoring program to help with my methods and also was sick for a whole week putting me behind and feeling very behind and stressed.
But on the other hand, my favourite subjects so far are PE and chemistry, which I have great teachers for. I haven't received any sac results back yet but I'm super stressed all the time and more scared for sacs than I was completing exams in previous years. I don't know why but I am putting a lot of effort into all my subjects and feeling good about the content then feeling stressed when I have to do a sac. Is this normal?
any advice, tips and information are greatly appreciated and feel free to add anything you need help with so we can help each other through vce