FH ⭐️ tay OH LUCKY. i tried so hard for tickets and never got any. i had the grainy youtube live streams HAHAHA
Leeshi Do y'all know macklemore? Actually, my friends have already gotten olivia rodrigo ticket and billie eilish's tickets. I never get to go cuz i have strict parents haha. But they had to wait so long for the tickets, it's insane
FH ⭐️ Leeshi the hype has been amazing. i’ve gotten back into billie the last 2 weeks, but i’ve only stayed up for one album ever and dont regret that
Leeshi FH ⭐️ I could never. For me, I like certain songs per artist. Other songs just can't compare to the ones I listen to ._.
FH ⭐️ Leeshi woke up at midnight then fell back asleep. woke back up at 5am to listen to it OMG IT WAS SO GOOD
bella1809 Shane61 yes she grey up relatively rich but that doesn't mean she's had terrible experiences as a woman that neither Kendrick or drake can ever speak of, that's mainly why she appeals to women