H1R Its ok i have decided fo JMSS and i appreciate the help for those who commented to my orginal post.
cshar mhsbandar there's no English ( like vr or rc) in the JMSS test just sr and two science writings
mhsbandar cshar oh i didnt know that, imma delete the original post anyway because i know nothing about jmss and its probably misinformation
.. wait... am I the only one that has gotten in for SCHS year 10 entry on this forum. where is everyone at?
.. H1R I did like 80% of my extracurriculars in year 9 💀 just lock in for one year and do everything for the CV, take every opportunity.
.. YR10SEHSASPIRANT I did well. And like 300-330 people try out for SCHS and only 30 get in, that's like a 10% acceptance rate