does anyone remember the test format? (as in the different amounts of questions in each section)

  • MMHS replied to this.

    MMHS no i already did it, just wanted to make a rough estimate with past practice exams and overall thoughts abt it!

    • MMHS replied to this.

      mizi ohh, got you. So reading was 35 mins and 35 questions, maths was 30 mins 35 questions, quantitative was 30 mins 45 questions and verbal was 30 mins 60 questions. Both writings were done in 40 mins

      • mizi likes this.
      • Tas replied to this.
        6 days later

        MMHS oh, i thought quantitative was 30 minutes 60 questions?

        ik i keep saying this but is anyone else 50/50 on getting in. Like i feel my maths is holding me back. At times i feel i will get in but majority my doubtfulness just takes over. Im very nervous for the results still. When holidays end on 14 july, it will be 2 days after that for the results. Ohhhh no i still don't know and am apprehensive as to whether ill get in : (((((((((((((((((((

          also idk if this will apply for everyone but i have several reasons for my passion of getting into MHS: a) i hate most kids in my year level bc of the drama and chaos that happens, also some people are very toxic and get involved in very bad and inappropriate business. b) life at my school seems a bit easy for me, like i find it easy to get 100's and that might sound good but after like 3 in a row which happened this week, it gets frustrating and i know MHS (and other sehs) will be much more difficult to receive those good marks. c)opportunities galore. d) better working environment, likemindedness and finally e) experience, maturity and growth of being autonomous with learning and other things like travel. So yeah, i rlly hope i get in and i pray i do everyday. Hope we all get in.

            YR10SEHSASPIRANT i feel like if i was to get in, it would be my english skills that would carry me bc there are more english components so if i was to be not as good at maths as english (which i am) then i would have a slight advantage over someone who struggles with english like my friend from school. Anyways i know i say this like every post but i am still doubting my abilities to get in 😢