nonexistent NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING I went to aims high academy last year, and i went to edu kingdom for the jmss course this year, edu kingdom was really good and i realy benefited from doign the tests every week
nonexistent NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING tbh i was never really interested in doing selective or getting into macrob, ive always wanted to get into jmss, so i kind of purposefully didnt put in my best last year, just keep going and hopefully you get in.
NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING nonexistent okok tyysmm i couldnt rlly find much abt yr 10 entrance online. this helps.
JMSSaspirant nonexistent how’d your JMSS go, for me it was a real breeze, I cooked in maths, NR, Both writings, sold on SR( I’m expecting 18/30)
[deleted] NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING oh yeh btw, is your general excellence schoalrship for y9 or y10 entry
[deleted] NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING oh, btw i heard from firends on scholarship that if u leave hyb and ur on a scholarship, u have to pay the money you saved on ur scholarship but idk if its a myth cos no one reads the contract
nonexistent JMSSaspirant bro honestly samee, i went really good in math and nr and prac reprot, i did so bad in sr
NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING JMSSaspirant yeah i dont want to jinx anything in my life anymore if i dint get in after this
JMSSaspirant nonexistent ikr like touchwood I’ll get like 53/60 in math and like 40/50 in Nr. Bro I did soo well on the last writing . I think I’ll get like HA in Report
MMHS NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING wait tho aren't u going haileybury? Also its kinda funny how u have to go through the process all over again
NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING MMHS yeah but if i dont get in 2nd round or later, i still wanna go sehs more as it is more convenient
MMHS NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING so u will go haileybury if no second round offer, but vice versa u will go sehs if u get second round offer? I agree its more convenient for me too as haileybury was to far away