Guys, before the offers come out, I just want to let you know that you have worked your ass off for this. Some of you people have worked for around 2 years for this, and it is guaranteed that you'll get in. Remember that there are more than 5000 students who gave it, and out of those only 1000 will get in. Please accept your fate whether it's good or not, it all almighty Gods plan. So Ik everyone will be pissing themselves off, But its fine, even if you don't get in, it ain't the end of the world. (There's always JMSS and Year 10 Entry). I know that there are less than 20 minutes left, but just don't get nervous and don't make yourself shiver, also don't get your stomach hurting as if you want to take a shit. IK that feeling. Anyways, good luck guys, I hope you all get into your Dream Schools, Nossal High School, Melbourne High School, Suzanne Cory High School, MacRob' Girls High School. I really wish that you guys get in. Please have faith in yourself, and please of you don't get in, its not the end of the world, and please don't get your day cooked. Remember if you have 84600 seconds in a day, pretend that this is money and you have to spend it in a day, ($84600), If you loose $5. (5 seconds) whould you throw away your rest of the $84595?.
Once again, I hope you all make your dream schools, and never give up on your future goals.
Regards @JMSSaspirant